Bounce TV, the nation’s first-ever and fast-growing broadcast television network designed for African American audiences, continued its ratings surge in the just-completed second quarter...
The first season of the Bounce TV original series Mann & Wife starring David and Tamela Mann was a smash hit, delivering more than 5.7 million viewers and...
Bounce TV’s hit original sitcom MANN & WIFE concludes its first blockbuster season with a side-splitting finale, “Undercover Mann” tonight! When Daniel (David Mann)...
In this week’s all-new episode of Bounce TV’s hit original sitcom MANN & WIFE premiering this Tuesday, things get a little hairy when Daniel (David Mann) learns that...
Bounce TV, the nation’s first and only broadcast television network designed for African American audiences, today announced its original programming plans for the 2015-16...
Husband and wife team, David Mann and Tamela Mann, stars of the hit Tyler Perry sitcom Meet the Browns, are set to star in a new BOUNCE TV original-scripted...