The University of South Carolina Upstate is a leading regional public university that transforms the lives of diverse students, their families, and communities throughout...
On Saturday, December 14, Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage was transformed into a radiant celebration of music and unity as the 5th“Night of Inspiration” brought audiences to...
“The Nightly Spirit with Willie Moore Jr.,” a nationally syndicated urban inspirational radio program airing in 21 markets, is featuring two of gospel music’s next generation stars for New Music...
Bronx, New York Bible Institute will host a “Back to School Event” on Saturday, August 15, 2015 ( On that day, Landmark Christian Bible Institute, the outreach...
The Japan Mass Choir’s CD entitled “Powerful” (Living In His Body As One) on Lifeline Records / SRT Entertainment, reached and spent 3 weeks at #3 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums...
“Finding Noah,” a new feature documentary releasing from 17K ASL and Alchemy, brings to life an archaeological expedition in search of Noah’s Ark. Narrated...
This past Sunday the Grand Ballroom of the historic Mayflower Hotel, nicknamed the hotel of Presidents, was transformed into a church sanctuary as entertainment industry executives...
The Windy City’s beloved gospel group, Pastor Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago, has made Billboard Magazine chart history with its radio smash “#WAR” (from the No. 1 best-selling...
International Gospel Artist, Anthony Faulkner has truly been blessed to share his music and gift by way of countless National platforms and media around the world....
OCEAN Accelerator, the nation’s first faith-based startup accelerator, is now accepting applications for the 2016 class, which begins in January 2016. OCEAN is seeking tech...
Ken Harding, president of New Haven Records, recently announced that the label has re-signed the legendary Chicago Mass Choir to a multi-album record deal....
Jekalyn Carr, is a burgeoning embryonic star, who is proving that young people can experience success as a gospel artist. She has risen to be a great influence...
After 45 weeks on Billboard Magazine’s Gospel Airplay chart, GRAMMY® Award-winning songwriter and Inspired People recording artist Pastor Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago have captured the #1* slot...
Three of Capital Entertainment’s top artists are in the first round of the Gospel Music Association’s Dove Awards balloting process. The professional voting members of the 51-year...
Anthony Brown & group therAPy new release EVERYDAY JESUS tops multiple Billboard charts in its first week of release. The amazing sophomore album scores...
Gospel songstress, Danetra Moore, debuts on Billboard with her new digital album, Light In The Dark, which is now available on iTunes and Amazon Music. The...
Award-winning superstar recording artist Robin Thicke has joined the star-studded list of performers during the 2015 Neighborhood Awards Weekend in Atlanta, along with additional entertainment from...
Gospel music’s smoothest balladeer Earnest Pugh has a new classic entitled “Trade It All” available for immediate download from all digital retailers such as the iTunes...