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Deitrick Haddon Reveals Cause of Divorce From Ex-Wife Damita via FaceBook, Blames Isaac Carree

Gospel singer, actor, director and producer, Deitrick Haddon, has finally decided to come clean about his divorce from ex-wife Damita. According to his recent Facebook post, the singer says the cause of the split was adultery on Damita’s behalf with chart-toppping singer Isaac Carree, formerly of the group Men of Standard. Deitrick claims he revealed this information because he was tired of being blamed for causing the divorce after recently announcing his new engagement and child. Nonetheless, no word on the situation has been released from either Damita or Isaac. Our prayers go out to Isaac’s wife who accompanied him over the weekend at the 28th Annual Stellar Awards Ceremony.

Read Deitrick’s Facebook post below to hear his side of the story. Let us know what you think of this situation in the comment section below. 

My objective in this personal message to my supporters is to set the record straight on why I divorced my ex-wife, to clear my daughter’s and fiancé’s name, and to give you the truth. I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus, but I refuse to remain silent while people slander my name because the other parties involved are refusing to speak up for me and about their involvement in this matter. I regret having to continue to speak on this but you all need to know the truth from my perspective. 

It does not feel good when people make comments saying that I left my wife for a younger woman and a baby!! It’s simply not the truth & the truth is recorded in heaven! Heaven keeps good records & i have no reason to lie!!! I met the young lady when i moved to L.A a broken mess & God used her to keep me from committing suicide twice!! I do admit that she did get pregnant before my divorce was final as my divorce carried on for over a year. However an abortion was not an option for me so I covered her & she covered me while we both repented of our sins & submit to spiritual leadership. As a sign of humility & accountability, I have not preached on any platform in any church for one year!! I’ve paid my penalty for my sin!!

I understand that my ex-wife wants to keep quiet & she has that right but to allow people to think this way about me while she remain Quiet is not cool when I was a good husband, not perfect but a good husband & friend to her for years!! I take full responsibility for my actions but I WILL NOT take responsibility for the cause of my actions. I don’t expect Damita to be bold enough to go public because people will take your transparency & rub it in your face & even Christians who are called to restore & forgive will be ready to throw stones at her for something that God has forgiven her for & is in her past. Unfortunately, we happen to live in a religious community that preach forgiveness but when the opportunity presents itself to show it they just don’t do it!!!

However, I do expect Isaac Carree to stand up and be man enough to own his mistakes & give his fans the truth they deserve to know. I appreciate your new song ‘Clean this house”, you know I’ve always been a fan of yours since day one & I’ve never done anything to hurt you but you left one sin out of your song that would have set the record straight & solidified my healing process & that is adultery! I hate to see you walk in deception when it’s unnecessary. Yes I have forgiven you but I want to see you be the true man that God is calling for all us to be. The Gospel community & church has had enough deception. Let’s come clean in 2013. I forgive you & I love you bro but it’s time to be real.

For those that are small minded & will say that I may be jealous of Isaac. That is incorrect, I have always shown my support to him & I celebrate the gifts that God has blessed us with in the Kingdom. However, I have kept quiet & covered him for 2 years since I found out & it wasn’t easy to watch the man that broke up my home run around singing on stages as if he had done nothing devastating to a his fellow brother in the Gospel!! I have moved on… God has blessed me with a baby that has in many ways neutralized the enemies darts that have been thrown against me. Please let it go down in the books that I did not leave Damita for a younger woman, that is not just not the truth!!

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Isaac the ball is in your court & no longer in mine. I sincerely wish you the best but it’s time for us to be real if we’re gonna spread this Gospel. Anything other than that is unnecessary hypocrisy!! I don’t need an apology but your fans deserve an apology for the damage that have been caused by your actions!!

I truly apologize for the damage all this has & will cause the Gospel community & the church. I never dreamed in a million years that I would be part of such foolishness but I’m determined to never bring this kind of shame to the body of Christ again!!”




  1. Courtney

    January 21, 2013 at 9:56 PM

    Who am I to judge anybody? That is God’s job. But I would like to hear both Isaac’s and Damita’s side of the story before I began concluding anything. Although this was not a good choice made by these people of God, nobody is perfect. I will sat that I am in shock about the entire situation.

  2. Sarah

    January 22, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    This is not about being perfect or not forgiving as Christians….It is rather about the people of God being held accountable as the BIBLE tells us we are to be. According to Deitrick’s account, he, his fiancee’, and Damita have all repented and been disciplined by their respective churches….As a minister of the Gospel, should not Isaac Carree also do the same? 1 Corinthians 5 clearly spells out that this foolishness should not even be heard of among the people of God, and yet once more, here we are.

    It is time for the spiritual leaders to LEAD and not continue in cycles of spiritual bondage that makes Jesus look a lie to the World. If our lives are no different, if Jesus cannot give us victory over the flesh in every situation and circumstance, if we continue with the same sins of the World, how do we expect to share the Gospel with them? Who really will take us seriously?

    Can we not love the sinner and rebuke the sin? Come on People! IT IS TIME for the Chruch of the Living God to stop making excuses! We have far too long excused fornication, adultery, and homosexuality in the Gospel Music, to the detriment of the Kingdom of Christ! JESUS IS COMING SOON and our gifts will mean NOTHING if we are not converted.

    Let’s PRAY for the filth that has infiltrated Christian Ministry and Gospel Music and PRAY with a heart full of genuine love for all of those involved by this situation. But let’s stop excusing it and ignoring it. Blessings!

    • Karen Y Blount

      January 22, 2013 at 6:36 PM

      AMEN Sarah! I agree with you wholeheartedly my sister in CHRIST. Accountability means EVERYTHING!

  3. Janelle

    January 22, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    We cannot say how we would have responded if we were in this situation. What’s done is done and althought social media is used to expose it, we cannot judge it through our eyes. We should pray for all parties involved, not say what they should or should not do. The church often says to be silent, but even silence kills. I’m sure it has helped someone.

  4. David

    January 22, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    Stop the gossip and start to pray!!!

  5. Dean

    January 22, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    Only God & those involved know what really happened. As Christians; we need to stop passing judgement; we are out of order. What we can do is pray for all those involved!

  6. Tiffany Kinsey

    January 22, 2013 at 1:05 PM

    This article just proves that as Christians we need to know the Lord for ourselves. Pray and seek a relationship with God for self. The people involve has a gift from God to bless his people in music. But they are still human and far from perfect. We all fall short of his Glory, and we all have to repent and ask for forgiveness daily. So instead of judging, we should keep everyone in prayer. These problems existed long before now in the Christian community. The problem is the social network and people not embracing privacy. Everything is shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  7. Gospelfan

    January 22, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Lawdy! Now, Isaac just said something to Jawn Muray about it. Jawn set it straight!

  8. Sam

    January 22, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    This is very sad. I second what David said, and I pray that everyone involved is able to cope well with all of this. Just so sad that it’s all so public

  9. BDiddy

    January 22, 2013 at 2:27 PM

    Let God arise and the enemy be scattered! This is sad. So sad. I’m sure Deitrick had his reasons for using FB to reveal this info but I sure wish he hadn’t done that. I’m not sure that airing it all out on FB really helps him.

  10. Cfort

    January 22, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    Hmmm its so sad, may God have mercy.

  11. Stephen

    January 22, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    Im disappointed that Deitrick Pastor, Christian would not let the word work from Matthew 18,” ..if you have an ought with a brother GO TO HIM….” ..I’m disappointed that instead of discussing it with the persons involved the entire world becomes your counseling stage. I’m praying for you all. I want God to bring healing to this for all of you. This isn’t a good witness, weather wrong or right it’s not a good witness.

    Im praying that some way GOD will bring peace and grace to these people

    Grace and Peace,


  12. Bev

    January 22, 2013 at 3:25 PM

    I feel that it was courageous for Dietrich to speak out the way that he has. It is not our jobs to pass judgement on anyone. However, as a minister of the gospel it is always important to do self reflection and make sure that our choices in life align with God’s call and purpose.

    I believe that there are two sides to every story. It is very important that no matter which side of the tracks the truth may fall, that all parties continue to move forward in a healthy manner. It takes a lot of courage as a public figure to confess your weaknesses, but we have to remember that these are people too. None of us is perfect no matter what our stature in life. If what has been said about Issac and Dietrich’s ex-wife is true, let’s lift them up in prayer. Most importantly if it’s true, let’s lift Issac’s wife up in prayer. Being betrayed in such a manner is very painful and can be very humiliating.

    Let’s not be quick to pass judgement. Let’s be quicker to show forth love. The love that God so freely gives to us despite our faults.

  13. Pearl Jones

    January 22, 2013 at 3:27 PM

    My goodness..I read this statement and thought “WOW” these are grown folks..I am wondering why Mr Haddon had to respond with Mr Haddon stated that his ex-wife has been quiet about everything, why did you have to blast her like that?? If it is true and if there is truth to this why are you so eager to tell everyone?? What is really your motive??

    • Karen Y Blount

      January 22, 2013 at 6:58 PM

      Pearl Jones,
      I think his motive was just what he said. He is saying that while he has been quiet for quite sometime (and they both have – him and Demitra ) that everyone is pointing at him as the blame for the break up when it was indeed his exwife. This is kind of hard to decide what is right, because while you don’t want to put your business out there – but you do want the truth to be known…if what he is saying is indeed the truth. Haven’t heard her side but…..she did tell a magazine a few months ago that she had nothing but GOOD things to say about Deitrick and perhaps it’s because she know what she did was wrong…..But regardless, we need to pray for them…

  14. Zaneta

    January 22, 2013 at 3:34 PM

    I know Deitrich and Damita personally, havving grew up with Deitrich everyone sins, but I give Dietrich a round of applause for being the man of God he is to put a stop to rumors. I will pray for all parties, and may everyone start to heal, God is the only one who can judge his reasons and actions. I still think both are great singers and hopefully this wont stop ppl from believing in them. let him without sin cast the first stone….im sure there is not one who can….. praying for the men of the cloth.

    • carla

      January 23, 2013 at 1:04 PM

      Hum….so if you guys are friends, tell me why did you spell his name wrong?

  15. PrinceD

    January 22, 2013 at 4:38 PM

    That the divorce had already been made public means that as responsible believers and ministers of the gospel they have to come out in the open and let the community of which they are a part know that their actions where in line with the biblical standard. So I really don’t see how Mr. H can be blamed for this; he’s really is not shaming his ex-wife, he simply is being accountable to those he calls brothers in Christ. I think Ms. D should do the same, why is she so silent about the whole thing. Remember that we not only minister to God but also for God to people; therefore, it is only proper to make amends with both audiences to effective in the ministry.

  16. Marshell

    January 22, 2013 at 6:07 PM

    Brother Haddon you have repented and God has forgiven you (1 John 1:9). You are loved by the Body of Christ. If GOD removed the Blood covering of Jesus from those of us who say we are part of the Body, there would be a stinch that would ascend upward. Praise God for His mercy and move forward.

  17. Patricia

    January 23, 2013 at 1:18 AM

    Well, I’ve been a fan of Detrick Haddon for many years and I won’t stop now. It’s good to just expose the devil because now he has nothing to taunt anyone with. I am happy for Mr. Haddon and believe that he’s sincere and what he’s said, it’s in the past he repented, and its good that he’s standing up for his fiance & child. He forgave and is moving forward so to me he’s fulfilled scripture he who sets his hand to the gospel plow looking back is not fit for..So, for his ex-wife, they were very young when they got married, lots of stress, she may have been lonely or just human, she should be a lady about this, take whatever responsibility, repent, & keep moving. I still am a fan of both Haddons and pray that they both keep it movin. As for the other fellow who may be involved, just do the same, repent, get back in your righteousness and move on. Not making excuses but what’s done was done & in order for God to get glory everybody just has to repent & move on and be about our Father’s Business.

  18. Wondra

    January 23, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    Two wrongs still dont make a right. If Damita and Ike was messing around, why not divorce her, then MARRY the new woman, and procreate (in that order)? Dragging everybody else into this picture stil doesn’t explain why he was seeing this woman PRIOR to the divorce, and why he fathered a child out of wedlock….all the while “ministering”. Sorry but God hold people in ministry at a higher standard to watch for other people souls and lead them to heaven. I just dont understand the blame game, and digging up additional stuff.
    I understand that she may have cheated on him, but as I stated two wrongs don’t make a right.

  19. george

    January 23, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    If you are not gossiping you are praying, so which one are standing for?

  20. Edward

    January 23, 2013 at 12:30 PM

    I have pastored for years and witnessed many in the music industry fall because of pride. I know that you are a gifted and anointed young man that is called for this season. You have just endured not a failure but a divine lesson. Lessons that are embraced by skilled learners which are truly disciples of Jesus develop overcomers. If no one else does what is right that is Ok. But you forgive all and let go. You have been given a testimony that can restore many gospel musicians. Walk in your apostolic authority and take dominion in the entertainment industry! Arise my brother!!

  21. Bro. Edwin

    January 23, 2013 at 12:31 PM

    This all coming to light now even though Deitrick and Damita started going their separate ways in 2011. I had no problem with the previous statements he released prior to the one referenced here. I think he could’ve handled this one better by not naming names in a FB post. Could’ve just been some ole “hey it didn’t go down like that, stop slandering my name, God is going to do the exposing and I’m done talking about this openly.” I understand we as humans can only take so much but hey doesn’t God give us only what we can bear and gives us wisdom to handle things better. But hey I just like anyone else haven’t always handled things in a kingdom minded way and have learned and grown from it. As long as we’re in our earthly bodies were capable of doing anything if you don’t obey and let God lead.
    Didn’t he say something like that in the statement re: his divorce from Damita. ‘m praying for all parties and those close to this situation. There are no kids and families involved and this is the type of stuff the world and church folk love to eat up. I pray the prayers of the saints help the healing process along.Lord help us.

  22. LADY CO-KO

    January 23, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    If your brother taken ye which are spiritual must restore him in love.. the word also say if your brother sin against you tell him and him alone.. then the words says judge not.. None of yall acting like Jesus right now. everybody throwing stones including the media.

  23. robyn

    January 23, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    i would just like to say i’m praying for the both of them and i hope everything turns out fine. everybody make mistakes but we just have to repent of our sins and keep moving on in life.

  24. Hazel

    January 23, 2013 at 9:22 PM

    Someone get help to ALL parties involved. Derrick says he has forgiven, but clearly he has not healed. Isaac denies the details. The two females are silent but have been negatively discussed openly. Much ministry to ALL is needed!!!

  25. Clement

    January 24, 2013 at 10:15 AM

    You’re man enough when you come in the open and say you did that, come clean about it. Big up.

  26. Jenniferjanine

    February 6, 2013 at 12:38 AM

    The Bible says if you take an offense to your brother & he will not hear you, take it to the Elders, then if need be proceed up the chain before the entire Body. Yes we should pray for&restore all those repented souls that are involved. We that care for them & each other. Read your Word: God doesn’t relinquish His call on the lives of those who have sin&misstepped, & He executes the consequence. Deidric sat out for 2 full years & did receive counseling. Maybe all others involved did as well. No one who loved these brethren are pleased that it all went down like this, but this was transparent of Deidric & I actually still love both psalmists. After the initial dissapointment, we all need to figure out some Words&deeds of reconciliation. Stop it with your hoity toityness/& “well I nevers”. Not a good look.

  27. Trevor Ndlovu

    February 14, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    As far as i read and understand my Bible you do not remarry after divorce until your other spouse dies, so Minister Deitrick you have a child with your fiance ? How is that so before you marry her ?

    • Sarah

      February 21, 2013 at 1:21 PM

      Except for in the case of adultery, which according to Deitrick’s words happened. The problem he is failing to understand is that people are “upset” with him because he is a “pastor”, which means his response to the situation was less than that of a Spiritual Leader. It doesn’t mean that others are not disappointed with those involved.

  28. Latoya

    February 17, 2013 at 11:49 AM

    This is just what the devil wants, he has done everything to mess with God’s people and marriage as an institution ordained by God, no judgement added to either parties, I do not even want to start trying to figure out what caused the entire situation to occur. It is hurtful to see this scandal in the gospel community however, we are all humans and as such we need to depend on God to help us make the right decisions daily. Ill continue praying for all persons accused or involved and as christians we should all do the same.

  29. Marcus

    February 21, 2013 at 12:17 AM


  30. Marcus

    February 21, 2013 at 12:33 AM

    It seems that deitrick was just trying to set the record straight. I heard a christian radio show blast deitrick about his baby and fiancé saying well now we know the reason for the divorce. Accusing deitrick of infidelity. That’s not fair to his fiancé or new baby. So he wanted to protect there good name and tell the truth. I just wish he had gotten fully healed before getting involved with another women.

  31. Aduduabasi

    March 7, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    Being a Christian is one task that needs God always. We can’t judge this great vessels of God but pray for them. It is our responsibility to own up to our wrong and receive reproof from
    Spiritual heads, be remuseful and contrite. deitrick has opened up and I believe Isaac should be bold enough to apologise and speak the truth.
    There is no room for hypocracy and pretence. Being true Christian is all about being sincere even when we fall, are broken and lost.
    Let’s pray,for,ourselves always.the battle is not against flesh and blood….

  32. irene breedlove

    March 12, 2013 at 11:48 PM

    I hate to see that dametia n detrick are not together but I don’t see nothing wrong in how he handle the situation keep it real he hurting still n still love her but that baby made the transition easy for him his little gift bless u all keep moving forward

  33. Jessyca

    March 28, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    I have always been a big fan of Deitrick and I love him but I am praying for all parties involved and I hope that Issac and Damita come forward to say their side of the story.
    #DHaddy Fan

  34. Buhle Mpanza

    June 17, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    May God heal us as the Body of Christ.we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.May God restore His vessels.we are not fighting against human blood but against powers & principalities.If we love them let’s pray for them.May God bless y’all in Jesus’ Name.

  35. joshua lumbasi

    September 13, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    Deitrick and Damita, you have always blessed me with your ministry and am keeping you in my prayers. One thing i know we as Christians are in a battle and we already won it thru Christ in Calvary. Its for such reasons that he died, its for such reasons that he will be our advocate when the accuser will present this case before God. He said it is finished. Divorced or no divorce we are Gods people and he nailed all mistakes that we do all sins that we do even in our present times on the cross that we may live!! We all have sinned and fallen short of his glory but thru him we are alive again. We shall make it to heaven together in Christ Jesus our Lord !!!!

    • cakes

      October 12, 2013 at 4:10 AM

      These two people are truly blessed. We all should remember that the bible tells us to pray for our leaders.

  36. benita albert

    October 27, 2013 at 12:41 AM


  37. Ronda

    November 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    Brother Haddon, I thank you for being man enough to share…. God bless you

  38. Mac Ituu

    December 8, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Anybody ever thought about the reason or essence of our existence? Give it a thought…….Think about it one more time then and just then you shall discover how important you are in God’s kingdom.

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