Although Clinton’s liberal and pro-choice policies have been considered counter Christian by many conservatives believers, many of Adams’ supporters shared in her excitement over the victory.

“Congratulations, Mrs Hillary Clinton, wishing you God’s best in Jesus mighty name amen,” a comment read.

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“I Love Hillary Clinton, She will be the next President of the U.S. That’s My Girl! She is a LADY,” another facebooker added.

Others maintained that although they are not pleased with either candidate, Clinton is the best choice out of the two.

“Having very limited person’s to vote for she is the less of two evils. Lord have mercy on the nation because we are in big trouble either way…Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and those He has chosen for HIS inheritance,” someone else noted.

Adams was not the only popular Christian to congratulate the Democratic presidential nominee. Evangelist Franklin Graham, despite their differences, also sent his regards to Clinton on Tuesday after she clinched enough delegates to claim the 2016 nomination. On Monday, the former Secretary of State surpassed the required 2,384 delegates needed to win the party’s nomination.

Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, took to Facebook with his congratulatory post.

“It seems congratulations are in order to Hillary Clinton this morning,” Graham wrote. “According to the Associated Press, she now has enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination, even though Bernie Sanders disagrees and pledges to fight on. As I’ve said since the beginning of the election season, I’m not endorsing any candidates—but I am appealing to all Americans to pray.”