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Video: Rabbi Ralph Messer, Who Crowned Bishop Eddie Long ‘King’, Defends His Ministry

Rabbi Ralph Messer who was the featured minister that crowed Bishop Eddie Long in a Kingship ceremony, speaks out on the mounting criticism of his ministry.  The video where Bishop Eddie Long was crowned ‘King of God’s Government’ has ruffled feathers at a sensitive time of negative publicity for the New Birth Bishop.  Rabbi Messer said that the goal of his visit to New Birth “was to encourage a community that had been extremely discouraged.”

In the hour long video, Messer addresses two separate faiths.  Jews and Christians.  He started with an apology to anyone who felt the Torah scroll was being disrespected.  The apologetic tone was then expressed to Christians at the conclusion of a sermon that focused on forgiveness and judging.

In response to the Jews who were offended Messer had this to say, “I teach Jesus our savior.  I teach the Hebrew roots of the Christian Faith/the torah.  I teach the first 5 books.. In other words I teach Moses.  We are Christians who believe in the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith.  We are not apart of any Messianic groups.”  

Messer goes on to say, “We never attended to make Bishop Eddie Long a King. I can’t make him a King. There is only one King.  Jesus Christ.”

Ralph Messer feels that he was taken out of context, saying that the 14 minute clip that went viral was not representative of what he meant.  He says, “I was referring to the Kingship in all of us, not in one man.”

Roughly one hour later Messer said this to the Christian community.  “I came to simply honor a man that needed to be encouraged.  The news media and the press had slaughtered him.  What’s wrong with encouraging a man of God?  The heart of the offense is judgement against Bishop Eddie Long, rather then mercy and forgiveness.”

Ralph Messer defended Bishop Eddie Long, but was careful to express concern for anyone who has ever been sexually abused.

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Since the original Kingship ceremony aired, several church leaders have taken the steps to distance themselves from Rabbi Messer’s ministry.  Pastor Paula White was recently linked to the Rabbi when a video surfaced showing a similar demonstation evolving White.  In it White was wrapped in a Torah, but she was not crowned a queen.  Whites’ people have vehemently denied any connection to Ralph Messars teachings.  Leading some to believe they weren’t as forthcoming with Paula White’s ties to the Rabbi.

If you want to check out the apology you can look at the video below.  Whether you except the Rabbi’s reasoning are not, I predict he won’t be wrapping anyone else in a Torah scroll for a while.


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