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Tyler Perry Cancels Fall Tour of “Madea Gets a Job” Because of Evil People

Tyler Perry has cancelled all of the “Madea Gets a Job” Fall tour dates because he is simply fed up with evil people. In a letter written and released by Perry, he claims to be tired of bootleggers and scalpers taking advantage of people buying tickets for his shows. There are even people impersonating or falsely representing him on fake FaceBook pages and charging the public for meet and greets after the show. None of which is approved by Perry. Check out the open letter below and let us know what you think.

In regard to the cancellation of the tour dates, Perry says, “I set a ticket price for the show starting at $25. The reason I set the price so low is so that everyone could get a chance to come out and see the show. I know how tight things are right now. I GET IT! I do not tour to make a living, I tour because I love staying connected to all of you. I love seeing your faces, hearing you laugh and seeing you enjoy yourselves. It gives me great joy.

Even though it’s a lot of work, I really don’t mind doing it. Because of that, what I do is make sure that the promoter sets a reasonable ticket price and the prices are $25, $45 and $65. Even though I set these prices so that they are affordable, fees are added that are out of my control and the price of the tickets can almost double. Add to that, when you go online looking for tickets, IN LOTS OF CASES, you are being led to a bootlegger and you don’t even know it. There are a lot of ticket bootleggers and scalpers that buy lots of shows and sell them to the public for double, sometimes triple the price. I’ve been dealing with this for years but now with the internet I’ve never seen it this bad.

Also, there are some horrible people who are pretending to be me or representing me on Facebook and charging people money to do a meet and greet on the tour. They are telling people that they are me or working for me and charging them $150 for a meet and greet after the play.  DON’T FALL FOR THIS!! That’s not me.
This is so frustrating! Why are people so evil? Why can’t people just get legitimate jobs and stop trying to do the wrong thing all the time? If they put the same amount of energy into doing the right thing as they do in doing the wrong thing they could make it. It’s so sad.To all of you who have bought tickets and made plans to be there I am so sorry. I really am but my hands are tied. This was the last live Madea tour and I’m super sorry that you won’t get to see it live. All refunds should be given back to you

I agree with Perry, if people put as much energy into doing the right things as they do in doing the wrong thing, we’d all be a lot better off.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Vanessa

    September 19, 2012 at 12:41 PM

    I’m truely sorry to hear that our people are out of Control,and dont understand that their Blessings will be cut short because of the Evil Selfish, Disrespectful choices that one make. Mr. Prry, you are so right about everything you said. Folks unfortunatley spend a lot of time capitolizing of other Successful folks hard work. And yes it is truly unexceptable. Mr. Perry, i sur hope you will reconsider in the near future sooner than later. I love you and ur Work and repect you for what you do and who you are. God Bless you forever. Love you and u are in my Prayers. I will always support you. Sincerely Vanessa Garrett Battles.

    Love Repect you for what u do and who you are. God Bless you foever

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