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TLC Cancels “The Sisterhood” Reality TV Series After First Season

Sisterhood600According to, TLC has canceled its controversial reality series “The Sisterhood.” A source close to the production tells the site, “It absolutely won’t be back!”

The reality show was set in Atlanta and chronicled the lives of the wives of several less-than-prominent preachers. The five member cast included Domonique Scott, Tara Lewis, Ivy Couch, Christina Murray and DeLana Rutherford.

From the moment promotional clips of the show premiered online in fall 2012 it began receiving negative feedback from the Christian community.

The backlash from churchgoers, faith leaders and gospel recording artists alike against “The Sisterhood” intensified after the show premiered on Jan. 1.

Despite the controversy surrounding the show, it didn’t create major interest as “The Sisterhood” only averaged a 0.6 rating, that’s 600,000 viewers weekly. After eight episodes, the finale of aired on Feb. 12.

 Did you watch “The Sisterhood”?


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  1. Elva Whitten

    April 30, 2013 at 12:30 PM

    I did watch the show but each week it became more clear that this was NOT an effor to “build up” the body of Christ but more a means to show the world that “Christian women” are no different than them in dress, speech, or actions. As a minister’s wife myself I can emphatically say that they did not represent me at all with the exception of MAYBE Ivy & Christina sometime. But OVERALL the network deliberately chose “extremists”.

  2. Jo Anne Pierson

    May 8, 2013 at 11:43 AM

    I watched The SisterHood and I loved it.I feel it showed them as being human.Too many people put minister’s and their wives on a pedastel.This show revealed that they are human and they struggle like everyone else.It also shows you have to stay in constant prayer no matter what you’re position in life is.

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