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Former Owner to Launch Urban Christian Video Website


November 4, 2008 is a date that will always be remembered. Not only is it the day America elected its first African-American president, Barack Obama. But, it is also the day that Aziz “Zee” Peregrino-Brimah and business partner, Bobby “Tre9” Herring, re-launched the industry-changing website,

Bringing the 24-hour news and social media cycle to Christian Hip Hop, introduced countless independent artists to the world – making many of them household names. From opening the door for Christian Hip Hop at SXSW, sponsoring major tours and concerts, bridging the gap between artists and fans, receiving awards, honors and much more – forever changed the face of a culture. And after 2 million unique visitors, 14 million page views, and a global reach in over 200 countries, in 2013 was purchased by Jam The Hype – being the first and only major acquisition in Christian Hip Hop.

Almost a year has gone by since that acquisition, and Zee says that he always planned on making a return, but didn’t know when or in what capacity. “When we sold, I knew that I would be back eventually, I just didn’t know when. I had to wait until I felt excitement again. I feel it now. More importantly, I didn’t want to do the same thing. I wanted to do something that had never been done before.”

What is that something that has never been done? It’s called DALYFE (pro-nounced da-life). DALYFE is a groundbreaking online video platform that features and promotes urban Christian music, film, and entertainment. If it’s a video and relevant to the urban Christian culture, it can be found on DALYFE. And not only music videos, but movies, TV shows, live streaming, interviews, news, documentaries, viral videos, and much more!

“Our tagline for DALYFE is ‘Watch Us Live It,’” Zee says. “When you think about it, video is everywhere. And it’s always with us because our phones have cameras. Nothing is hidden anymore, because everything in life can now be captured and placed on the internet for the whole world to see. And most of what we see is mainstream media dictating to us how to ‘do life.’ Well, at DALYFE, we’re saying ‘Watch Us Live It’ and get a true picture. See how we get down, you feel me? The world needs to see how people who love Jesus live. So, we’re going to show them – through music, sports, news, reality TV, movies or whatever. ‘Watch Us Live It’ and learn.”


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