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Florida Pastor States “The Lord Made Me Have Sex With A Church Member’s Wife In Her Daughter’s Bed”

This is truly amazing, but not surprising.

Not to make a blanket assessment, but a lot of church people are sheep and even when they are looking at a Pastor who they know is a swindler, they will continue to give their hard earned money to the collection plate.

Case in point Pastor O. Jermaine Simmons of the Jacob Chapel.

Pastor O who is married has been having an affair with the wife of a church member. While having sex with this woman, it caused her to miss a call from the school about her child being sick.

The husband had to pick up the kid and when he got home…..


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He catches Pastor O and his wife having sex in their daughter’s bed (that is really disgusting). The husband grabs his gun and Pastor O runs out of the house naked (leaving the wife to fend for herself).

Eventually cops come and the wife presses charges. Pastor O was back preaching on Sunday and not shockingly while giving a weak apology, he blamed everyone else for him just being a creep and implied the Lord put him in this position as a lesson for the congregation. Like the sheep they are, they bought it.

It is funny and sad at the same time.

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