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Dr. Cindy Trimm, One of America’s Top Evangelists, Heading to California this Week

There seems to be little rest on the schedule of Dr. Cindy Trimm, the dynamic motivational speaker and authoress who has sold over a million copies of Christian books titles such as Commanding Your Mourning and The Rules of Engagement. This week she returns to the USA from a two-week stint of speaking engagements in South Africa. She’ll get to spend a day working from her Atlanta office before she boards a plane to Anaheim, CA for the “Ending Your Year Strong” empowerment encounter.

The empowerment event kicks off Friday, December 14th @ 7 p.m. and picks up again the next day with a full schedule of empowerment exercises and a panel discussion around the theme of Trimm’s new book, When Kingdoms Clash (Charisma House). All activities take place at Stadium Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 1531 S. Sinclair Street, Anaheim, CA 92806.

For over a decade, Trimm has been on an astounding career trajectory that has made the former Bermuda Senator one of the most sought-after event speakers in the USA. The 54-year old firebrand was born into abject poverty in Bermuda where her father deserted her mother and left her with seven children to raise on her own. In spite of the circumstances, Trimm put herself through college and rose to take a seat in the Bermuda Senate by the age of 30. She eventually abandoned politics to follow her call into ministry where she has rapidly become one of the most popular women on the Christian speaking circuit.

“The principles that I teach are principles that I use every single day of my life,” Trimm says, “not only the principles concerning prayer and spiritual warfare, but also the principles concerning what you do with your mouth and what you do with your mind—the principles concerning how God speaks to you in concepts and ideas and how you are always just one decision away from living the life of your dreams.”

When Kingdoms Clash is a cog in the wheel to drive readers into understanding and fighting for their destinies. It completes Trimm’s Art of War series, The Art of War for Spiritual Battle and The Prayer Warrior’s Way. Using historical stories and teaching from Scripture, it takes prayer warriors from the planning stages and strategies of prayer into the heat of the battle. The book aims to aid readers in developing the staying power and endurance to see the plans God has given them through to the end, and to give them the character and confidence to find joy in even the toughest of struggles.



  1. Revos

    December 17, 2012 at 10:04 PM

    “authoress”- come on people, you’re telling me that is really a word?? What happened to author? Is that supposed to be like “prophetess”? Lol, boy, sometimes we are just too much!

    • Mike Jones

      December 18, 2012 at 3:53 PM

      Actually, yes it is a word. Here you go. —->>>

      • Revos

        December 18, 2012 at 11:06 PM

        Oh yes, I’m sure you can find many ‘words’in the dictionary; in my opinion, that’s just where they should STAY. I just could not believe that it is actually a word. As I said before…just too much(of course, others may beg to differ).

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