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Doctors of Sheilah Belle “The Belle” Say “All Cancer Has Been Removed!”

Sheilah Belle’s journey on being diagnosed with Cancer started back in July 2016. She was originally told the news at the University of Virginia Hospital. She wasn’t really sure how to feel or what to say, but she did know it wasn’t good news. On August 18th she had a port placed in my chest and had her first Chemo treatment on Friday, August 19th.

Three weeks later the port became infected.  It was on a Tuesday night when she noticed something was wrong.  Hours later, she was taken to a Richmond hospital and was told the port would have to be removed. Following its removal, the infectious doctor working on her case also told her that she had MRSA, a blood infection, and a wound infection.  It would be a week later until I she would be released from the hospital.  Just before being released, she had a pic placed in her arm so she would be able to receive additional medicine needed in the coming weeks.

It would be a week later until she would be released from the hospital.  Just before being released, she had a pic placed in my arm, one of the most painful procedures she had to endure. She needed the pic line so She would have a way to receive the additional medicine She would need that continued for three weeks.

Following that was Chemotherapy with numerous ups and downs and a weight loss of nearly 70 plus pounds.

On March 2nd, Sheilah had surgery to remove less than a half of inch of cancer that was still in her left breast.  Originally it was close to 8 inches.  The doctors said the surgery went well.

It was on Wednesday morning, March 8, 2017 when she received the news that many were also waiting to hear.

The doctor’s office called, “Hello Ms. Belle?  Yes, we have the results back from your Pathology Report.  It was almost perfect.” So she asked, “Why almost perfect?” “Well they found some atypical lobular hyperplasia (Irregular cells) in your right breast,  however they were removed during your surgery and are no longer a factor.  But  YES, you had a complete pathological response to your treatment and ALL CANCER HAS BEEN REMOVED!”

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  1. A B

    March 9, 2017 at 11:13 AM

    To GOD Be The Glory For The Things HE Has Done!

  2. Rochelle L. Dean

    March 9, 2017 at 11:44 AM

    Praise GOD! When we are down to nothing GOD is ALWAYS UP TO SOMETHING! GOD is a GREAT GOD.

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