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Christ Coin Launches as First Faith-Based Cryptocurrency

Christ Coin has launched as the first Christian cryptocurrency. Built byLife Change, Christ Coin has a mission to meet the spiritual and practical needs of anyone, and unite Christians together as one community for the purpose of reviving hope, repairing lives, and rebuilding dreams. Built by a team of Christian entrepreneurs, Christ Coin is groundbreaking in its ability to build a global Christian community via cryptocurrency.

Worldwide, cryptocurrencies have hit the mainstream finding incredible success, with major retail brands having already adopted cryptocurrency for commerce, accepting “coins,’” also called “tokens,” along with cash, checks and credit cards.  Those brands include Overstock, Dish Network, Apple, Expedia, Paypal, Ebay, and NewEgg, just to name a few.

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Experts are weighing in:

“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” – Tyler Winklevoss, Entrepreneur in an interview with the New York Times.

“With e-currency based on cryptographic proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and transactions effortless.” – Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin developer

“Just consider this: control of a currency is one of the most powerful tools a government wields; ask anybody in Ireland, Portugal, Greece, or Cyprus who lived through these countries’ recent financial crises. Bitcoin promises to take at least some of that power away from governments and hand it to people. That alone augurs significant political, cultural, and economic clashes.” – Paul Vigna, “The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order.”

Just as PayPal changed how we pay for items and services, cryptocurrency has emerged as the next evolution in global commerce, the ongoing ways in which the world uses and earns money.  Christ Coin allows the faithful to have a way to approach finances that uniquely helps grow and support the global Christian church. Instead of dollars, consumers purchase or earn “coins,” which can be used for purchasing or exchanged just like any other currency.

Christ Coin allows churchgoers, pastors, churches, faith-based ministries and missions organizations, and more to reach a wider audience, while helping to fund Christian projects such as church plants, humanitarian efforts, VBS, and other ministries and outreaches.

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Following the initial crowdfunding period, anyone can sign up on the Life Change Platform and be monetarily rewarded by interacting with the platform in various ways, including volunteering, participating in small groups, posting content and even reading the Bible.  Investment in the crowdfunding is not required.

“The overarching benefits of the Life Change Platform truly go beyond what people would typically think when talking about finance and economics,” explains Luke Forstmann, co-founder of Christ Coin. “We like to use the L.I.V.E.S. acronym:  Leave your mark on the world by supporting humanitarian efforts, Invest in a cryptocurrency, Vault your spiritual life, Earn additional income, Support the vision of your local church through tithes and offerings. Yes, Christ Coin is an investment opportunity, but it goes so much farther than personal finance. We hope it will change lives, support ministries, and inspire people to grow in their faith.”  The full L.I.V.E.S. descriptions can be found on the Christ Coins website.

As with other cryptocurrencies, Christ Coin will offer quarterly buybacks and burn of coins. This allows Christ Coin to continue to grow and increase their currency value.

The Christ Coin initial coin sale and crowdfunding will continue through December 1 at 7:00am CT.
A short video explanation of Christ Coin can be viewed here:
About Life Change: 
Life Change is a free, innovative platform using state-of-the-art block chain technology to support God’s mission of changing lives through the Gospel of Christ.  Life Change is partnering with churches, pastors, and para-church organizations with the goal of creating the largest consolidated source of Christian content. By rewarding partners and members for interacting on the Life Change Platform, people can make a positive financial and humanitarian impact on their world without affecting their current income.
Our Board of Directors and Overseer Committee with help guide and steer Life Change to make sure we stay true to our mission of reviving hope, repairing lives and rebuilding dreams.  For more information, please visit
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