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A Message From Author and Motivational Speaker Tony Gaskins, “Embrace This Season”

tony-gaskins-2Yesterday I found a thought-provoking message in my inbox and decided to share it with you all. The email comes from author, motivational speaker, and consultant Tony Gaskins. The piece, titled “Embrace This Season”, spoke to me as it raises the question, ‘What season is your life in?’ See what Gaskins has to say below:

Life happens in seasons and it’s important that we realize that. Is this a season of abundance? Is this a season of drought? Is this a season of tests? Is this a season of loss or a season of gain?

If you’re in a season of abundance, enjoy it. But make sure you store up for later. Many people embrace the good times but forget to store up for the winter of their life.

If you’re in a season of trials and tribulation please know that this is only temporary. This is your training camp and it’s only here to prepare you for a victorious season ahead. Embrace the struggle and let it make you stronger.

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Remember, life happens in seasons. No matter what season you’re in, get a lesson from it.”

Gaskins has traveled all over the country speaking to groups of all ages. He is one of the most sought-after speakers in the USA. He speaks on topics of love, business, success and self-development. He has addressed audiences for countless colleges and universities, major sports organizations and churches. In addition, he is finally conquering his fear of flying so that he can accept the hundreds of invites from around the globe.

Gaskins is an author of several books and a professional life coach by day, coaching people from all walks of life all around the globe. He is also a TV & film producer on the rise, ghostwriter and an author/business/social media consultant. Because of his vast life experiences, Gaskins has become a jack-of-all-trades but a master of service. It is his belief that as we live, we should teach. This philosophy urged him to create online schools for people who desire to learn about love and relationships, entrepreneurship or becoming a life coach. He also organizes and hosts retreats for those who need to get away, have a great time, and change their lives in the process.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dean

    March 19, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    Thank you for posting the message from Tony Gaskins. That message was for me; I’m in a season of test and his message was a confirmation that my situation is temporary!

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