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1,500 Women Gather for The Greater Allen Cathedral of New York Women’s Conference

The Rev. Elaine M. Flake, D.Min., Co-Pastor, The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York presents Women’s Conference: God’s Glory Revealed, an annual worship and spiritually uplifting teaching conference for women, April 28th – April 30th at the Downtown Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Women are expected to come from all over the world including North America, Europe and the Caribbean.

“Women have overcome divorce, financial calamity, academic challenges and many other life-altering crisis through our workshops, empowerment and spiritual guidance by women who have succeeded in ministry, career and academics” says Reverend Elaine Flake. This three-day conference will offer prayer, worship and biblical teaching on how to effectively deal with the loss of a mate, domestic violence, build healthy relationships, overcome sexual abuse and other topics that often plague the lives of women worldwide. Reverend Elaine says “The workshops were created to expand the opportunity to minister to women and address their spiritual and emotional needs.”

Workshops will be taught by some of the most world renowned women in Christendom. Facilitator and guest preachers include award-winning author and daughter of Philadelphia, Bishop Millicent Hunter who is the Founder and Senior Pastor of the Baptist Worship Center of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Other preachers include Bishop Cynthia James, the Reverends Renita Weems, Claudette Copeland, Cynthia Hale, Jessica Ingram, award-winning entrepreneur and First Lady of Greater Grace Temple, Crissete Ellis and other dynamic women teachers and preachers.

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Worship leaders include psalmists Timiney Figueroa-Caton, the Queen of Worship Dr. Judith Christie McAllister, Praise leader Melonie Daniels and the Allen Cathedral Praise Team. The church’s seven-piece band under the direction of Stanley Brown will help usher us into daily praise and worship.

“The Women’s Ministry has been and continues to powerfully impact the lives of women in our church family, throughout our community and across the nation.”  Registration is required for all women to attend workshops. All worship services are free and open to the public. The conference itinerary, complete list of facilitators and online registration is available on our website at

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About The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York

The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral has become one of the nation’s foremost Christian churches. It is listed among the top 20 churches in America in Outreach Magazine’s Annual Survey. The church also owns a 700-student private school founded by Dr. Elaine Flake and her husband Dr. Floyd Flake. The church’s women’s shelter for battered women is one of the largest in Southeast Queens. The soup kitchen and Feeding program provides more than 100,000 meals each year to women, men and children throughout New York City.

The Allen Women’s Ministry has been impacting lives for over thirty years. Through its Women’s Resource Center, thousands of women and children have been given shelter, food and job placement during their time of despair. Our women’s ministry has donated more than $150k to the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen For the Cure through its annual walk-a-thon. The corporations, church administrative offices, school, and ministries comprise one of the Borough of Queens’ largest church and private-sector employers.

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