The University of South Carolina Upstate is a leading regional public university that transforms the lives of diverse students, their families, and communities throughout...
On Saturday, December 14, Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage was transformed into a radiant celebration of music and unity as the 5th“Night of Inspiration” brought audiences to...
Six-time Stellar Award-winner and GRAMMY®-nominated recording artist VaShawn Mitchell partnered with Denny’s for Tom Joyner’s ‘Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day’ in...
uGospel Radio announces the premiere of another on-air show. This will make three shows currently in rotation on the internet radio station. Hosting the...
Six-time Stellar Award winner and GRAMMY®-nominated recording artist VaShawn Mitchell partners with Denny’s for Tom Joyner’s Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day...
When Shirley Murdock recorded the song “I Love Me Better than that”, her goal was to help reduce violence, dropout rates, drug/alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy and other...
The legendary Sheard family, Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Karen Clark-Sheard, Kierra Sheard and J. Drew Sheard II, will grace the cover of the November/December...
EMI gospel recording artist, VaShawn Mitchell is a two-time Grammy nominated, six-time Stellar award winner, composer, philanthropist, motivational speaker and founder of The Norman...
Check out this interview with Praise 103.9’s Ms. Kala and Jonathan McReynolds. On the heels of releasing his debut project, “Life Music”, Jonathan discusses...
Fred Hammond released another social cam video, announcing the formation of his new Gospel group. The group, tentatively titled, U.T. (United Tenors), consists of...