Bountiful Blessing, Inc. will present a host of celebratory activities to commemorate the 75th birthday of its founder and former presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop G. E. Patterson. The events will honor Patterson’s life and legacy while continuing his work to bless the community.
“My husband truly loved people and his life embodied that love,” said Louise Patterson, president and CEO of Bountiful Blessings, Inc. “We are blessed to honor his memory and continue his legacy by offering events, open to anyone who desires to participate, that will strengthen the body and benefit the soul.”
Saturday, September 20
G. E. Patterson 5K for Pre-K Run/Walk to benefit Porter-Leath
Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ, 369 G.E. Patterson Ave
7 a.m. Onsite Registration
8 a.m. Race/Walk Begins
Registration fee for the Bishop G. E. Patterson 5K Walk/Run 4Life is $25 before September 15; after that date, the fee is $30. For registration information and event details, call 901-577-2500 or visit or email Proceeds will benefit the preschool scholarship program at Porter-Leath.
Sunday, September 21
75 Days to Donate for the 75th Birthday Campaign
Online Fundraising Event Concludes
Contributions will benefit the Bountiful Blessings, Inc. television and radio broadcast ministries.
Monday, September 22
Bishop G. E. Patterson Graveside Memorial Service
Memorial Park F.H & Cemetery
5668 Poplar Ave
Memphis TN 38119
Time: 11:00am
Bishop G E Patterson Tour of Artifacts
Memphis Hilton Hotel, 939 Ridge Lake Blvd.
Time: 6:00pm
Bishop G. E. Patterson 75th Birthday Tribute Dinner
Memphis Hilton Hotel, 939 Ridge Lake Blvd.
7 p.m.
For further Information on general seating and dais seating call 1-800-544-3571. Proceeds will benefit the outreach ministry of Bountiful Blessings Inc.
Bishop G. E. Patterson died March 20, 2007. His humanitarian efforts and financial contributions to those suffering and in great need endures through the work of Bountiful Blessings, Inc. guided by his wife. The ministry continues to support infant mortality initiatives, children of incarcerated parents, the needs of seniors and the work of area food banks.
For more information on the events commemorating the 75th birthday of Bishop G. E. Patterson, please call 800-544-3571.