The dfree® Financial Freedom Movement kicked off its nationwide tour this month when it held its Say Yes to the Next Level West Coast Regional Conference at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Fairfield, CA. Over 500 people attended live panel discussions, workshops, and trainings where they received tools and resources to get out of debt.
The conference began with an Empowerment, Employment, & Financial Resource Fair and a live concert with Multi-Award Winning Gospel Artist/Producer Fred Hammond. Reverend DeForest Soaries, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, New Jersey, and The Money Coach® Lynette Khalfani-Cox, author of the New York Times Best Seller Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom, gave the keynote address. Other speakers included music entrepreneurs Ray and Vivian Chew; Reverend Dante Quick, Senior Pastor of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Vallejo, CA, and host pastor Claybon Lea, Jr.
“Those in my church who have completed dfree® have, in a short period of time, realized over $100,000 of savings,” says Lea. “It was my honor to host the firstSay Yes to the Next Level Regional Conference. We are challenging people to reassess their lifestyles.”
In her talk on Perfect Credit in an Imperfect World, Khalfani-Cox assured attendees that, no matter their past mistakes or bad behavior patterns with money, there is hope, there is redemption, there is a better way. “The heart of what I do is preaching the gospel of personal finance,” she says. “It is so important that we learn about money matters of all kinds because it effects all areas of our personal finances and our lives.”
The dfree® Financial Freedom Movement was created by Reverend Soaries in 2005 to address the growing financial crisis in the United States due to overspending. America’s consumer debt is $3.4 trillion and the average American household balance-carries $16,048 in debt.[1] “We live in a culture where debt is not perceived as a problem,” Soaries says. “The first thing we have to do is admit there is a problem. We have to change our attitudes.”
This spring, dfree® will host upcoming regional conferences and training events in cities including Detroit, Milwaukee and Indianapolis. The Say Yes to the Next Level conference is hosted by the dfree® Global Foundation and Prudential (the dfree® Title Sponsor). For more highlights from the West Coast Regional Conference and information about the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement, go to
Founded in 2005, the dfree® financial freedom movement is a transformational, lifestyle movement that promotes financial freedom through values-based principles and practical approaches to financial management. dfree® addresses the cultural, psychological and spiritual influences on financial wellness. dfree®emphasizes controlling money matters so that individuals have the freedom to focus on more purposeful pursuits. Featured by CNN in a 90-minute documentary,Almighty Debt, an installment of the Black in America series, hosted by Soledad O’Brien, the dfree® strategy is being used by hundreds of churches, organizations, and individuals worldwide. For more information about dfree® visit, text “dfree” to 22828 to join the mailing list or follow any of the following: #dfree #mydfree #dfreeNextLevel #LMFTdfree.