President Barack Obama, accompanied by first lady Michelle Obama on Saturday at a rally at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond,
and Sheilah Belle, The Belle on the FRONT ROW Centered, surrounded by President Obama well wishers at Saturday’s rally
Richmond, VA — President Obama opened an aggressive phase of his re-election campaign Saturday with rallies in Ohio and Virginia that acknowledged great economic struggle but summoned the optimism that propelled him four years ago.
From the university’s marching band, to campaign videos, a banner that read “Forward,” and an introduction by first lady Michelle Obama the stage was set for President Barack Obama in Richmond, VA. From a boisterous crowd shouting out “Four More Years” several times as Obama spoke, the atmosphere stayed hyped and all of the 7,400 seats were filled as the President made his vision and goals clear.
“If people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them it’s still about hope, you tell them it’s still about change,” Obama told a cheering crowd at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Siegel Center. “It’s still about ordinary people who believe that in the face of great odds we can make a difference in the life of this country.
“If you’re willing to stick with me …. we will finish what we started,” Obama said as he echoed a cry from his 2008 campaign: “We are still fired up, we are still ready to go.”
Obama, who enjoys a considerable edge over Romney among women voters, derided Republicans for looking to cut funding to Planned Parenthood and for criticizing his initiative to require religious institutions to cover contraception in health insurance for employees.
“We are not turning back the clock,” he said. “We are moving forward.”
As the Obama’s left the podium, they greeted several standing along the ropes, waiting to greet them, including Sheilah Belle, The Belle of The Belle Report. Click here to see exclusive video!