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Latice Crawford’s Reality Show, “Almost Married” Premieres Tomorrow on Centric

The phenomenally gifted Latice Crawford wowed “Sunday Best” judges week after week during season two of the hit Gospel music contest.  Beginning this Saturday at 9PM, the stunning singer will grace television again as Centric premieres the reality show “Almost Married,” chronicling the budding relationship between Crawford and Jeff Spain – who met while taping Sunday Best. This Saturday, new episodes will air at 9 and 9:30 p.m., and Centric will air two new episodes each week through the show’s finale on January 12, 2013.

Stanley Brown, who was music director for Sunday Best during the Crawford’s season, and is now head of A&R for Verity, is currently in the studio with Crawford recording songs that will be released on an EP in March, 2013.  “Latice has one of the most unique voices in Gospel music,” Brown says.  “We have worked hard to get the right songs for her, songs that reflect her vocal styling and that inspire a rekindling of faith and an empowering of the human spirit.”

The EP will provide a taste of what Latice Crawford has to offer Gospel music, and her debut CD will be released later in the year.

Tune in to Centric this Saturday at 9 p.m. to watch the beginning of Latice Crawford’s post-Sunday Best journey!

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  1. Dean

    December 7, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    Really! I’m going to check it out.

  2. Karen

    December 9, 2012 at 12:29 PM

    Good show. I think they need to get to know each other before racing down the ailse. The fact that GOD is in their life is awesome.

  3. Jason Gray

    December 22, 2012 at 11:09 PM

    NOT hating just asking a question. I just watched a episode and I am so confused. 1) Are these 2 gospel artist living together without being married? Why propose if not ready to get married? I thought as a man you only pop the question when you are ready to marry. I may be wrong but if I am please let me know because I pray this is not the image “gospel artist” aka “minister of the gospel” we are showing the world…

  4. Mia

    January 11, 2013 at 2:18 AM

    I love this show. I’ve missed some of the earlier episodes and can’t wait see them again. Hopefully, the newtwork will air them. To answer the the gentlemen’s question above– yes, the two are engaged but they are not shacked up. He ahs a big beautiful home in Atl & sent fr her to be with him. He found her an apt. So during filming they were actually living apart. I truely love these two gifted spirits together.

    • j

      January 16, 2013 at 9:19 PM

      The show definitely shows two young people God fearing and in love and they are truly trying to live right and pleasing to God,they both made it quite clear they will not live together before marriage and I thought that was great,They will truly be blessed in their union for honoring God…

  5. Reality Show Lover

    February 2, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    I just found this show flipping through shows “On Demand”. I like the show. They dont seem to be in love to me though. She seems to really want to get married and he seems like he didnt mean to propose. She is pushing to be married, as any women would do after getting engaged and he cant seem to get on board. They dont appear to be a couple to me. Especially not a couple heading for marriage.

  6. Reality Show Lover

    February 2, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    I do wish them luck. If marriage is really where they are headed, I wish them nothing but a lifetime of happiness.

  7. Aileen

    February 16, 2013 at 5:18 PM

    Thank you BET for finally bringing a godly show to the network. I am not saying you haven’t done so at all in the past. But in those early years it was truly disheartening to see so much of the negativity (around drugs, prostitution, sexual promiscuity rape, etc) that Black people have been stigmatized with reflected in Black entertainment. Now shows like these are encouraging and I will certainly do my part to let others know about the show. It’s excellent not only in its content and particularly these two artist has done a wonderful job in expressing their feelings, but it has also exemplified true Christian behavior. You can’t say you’re a Christian and be shacking up with somebody, the two just don’t go together and I know that is in part that some people don’t know it’s not right (they haven’t been taught) but really thank God for what this show portrays. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep up the good work.

  8. Zack Hermie

    March 5, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    This is actually a extremely useful chemistry website.

  9. hauwa yusuf

    March 5, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    I really like this show. we need to tell the World that God’s way of courtship is best. Shacking up before marriage does not make us a true follower of Christ. We r d light of the World & my prayer is that this Show will cause us to go back to our value as True follower & not a Fan.

  10. Tainia Thomas

    July 20, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    I have just come across this programme today on BET in England and it’s a good show but what worries me is that I cannot see God as their foundation. What does the bible say about marriage? Where are the spiritual brothers and sisters who are married giving them support? Who is training Jeff about planning a marriage and being married is about? Who is guiding Latice about being submissive (and i don’t mean everything Jeff says goes) Read the story of Sarah when she wanted a child and she took matters into her own hands Genesis 16. Latice shouldn’t have aired their engagement on air without them speaking to his parents. She took the situation into her own hands because she didn’t rely on God. She put pressure on Jeff from the start and Jeff needs to get more advice Proverbs 13:10.

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