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Introducing Randy Gatson And His Urban Gospel Single “It’s About To Get Better”

unnamed-96Once you have had the chance to listen to the music of Urban Gospel Artist Randy Gatson you’ll discover a unique mix of old school R&B with an urban Christian sound that’s fresh and appealing to multiple generations. As a gifted songwriter and singer, Randy has spent over 13 years performing with a mix of artists (Kid-N-Play, Public Enemy, Naughty By Nature, Method Man & Red Man, John P. Kee, Dorinda Clark-Cole and Mary Mary) and now tours and ministers his own music from his debut release THIS TIME
“THIS TIME is my way of connecting my personal relationship with Christ through my pen and microphone,” Randy explains.  “My music is for those who truly love Christ and enjoy great music ranging from R&B to Smooth Soul and Hip Hop to Contemporary Worship.”  
On the first single “It’s About To Get Better”, Randy combines God inspired lyrics with an R&B groove. “It’s About To Get Better” is a motivational anthem with that feel good vibe worthy of keeping on repeat.
“I want to be that motivational sound that links people everywhere to great music,” he shares.  “I see myself as the guy who is changing the face of Christian, Gospel and R&B music by blending styles and reflecting relevant popular urban culture of today, but keeping Jesus in every song.”
As an ordained apostle, Randy keeps an aggressive schedule with ministry and music engagements.  His life experiences in being a divorcee, father of five children, an apostle and music artist all impact his personal testimony that he shares freely and transparently in order to engage people in real encounters of deliverance through Christ.
Randy’s heart is to remain genuine in all musical efforts, producing and sustaining a significant sound of inspired music and showing the world that Christ doesn’t have to show up in a choir robe, but through the voice of a 33-year old, 6′ 2″ African American Man with a voice from the streets and a voice full of passion!
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