To encourage, to inspire, to energize – action verbs which may best “sum up” what Donna’s Richardson’s life is all about.
Over the course of nearly 3-decades, Donna has become one of America’s best known advocates for physical and mental health. By spreading her “Gospel of Fitness” through all 50 states, in dozens of countries, and across 6 continents – she is quite literally an Ambassador for healthy living, an exercise Evangelist!
“I feel incredibly blessed to have been able to devote myself to educating women, children and families about wellness – helping to empower them with healthy lifestyles,” says Donna. “Our minds and bodies are God’s greatest individual gifts to us. I feel like I’ve taken my marching orders from the 40th chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah – to help people ‘find new strength,’ so they can ‘fly high on wings like eagles. So they will run and not grow weary…so they can walk and not faint.’ “
Donna, a native of Silver Spring, Maryland, is probably best known through the nearly three dozen fitness videos she’s starred in. Her very latest effort, recently released on DVD, is “Old School Dance Party,” a 45-minute, cardio-filled routine — fusing exercise & dance to the high-energy sounds of the ‘classic’ hip hop group, “The Sugarhill Gang.”
“The goal of this project,” says Donna, “is to help inspire folks to live a healthy and positive lifestyle while staying physically fit, and mentally sharp. The emphasis here is on having fun – I consider this the ultimate fat-burning dance video.”
It is no coincidence that Old School Dance Party was released in June, which is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month in the U.S. Donna has spoken passionately in media interviews, and personal appearances, about her own experience as a caregiver for her father, who suffered for many years with dementia.
Alzheimer’s and the other types of dementias, effect more than 6 million Americas – a number likely to double by 2050. Caring for a loved one whose mental capacities are ebbing away, day by day, can be particularly difficult — financially, emotionally and physically. That’s why Donna hopes this new video will be used extensively by caregivers.
“In order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself. If we don’t prioritize our own health, how can we be our best selves, or look after our loved ones? This video is intended to focus you on taking time out for ‘you’ every day. It makes a huge difference – helps keep you balanced and centered. Old School Dance Party is designed to be part of a daily regiment, focusing on your mind, body and spirit.”
And on this, Donna is adamant: “Good emotional and physical health are not optional – they’re a necessity.”
*Old School Dance Party is available for $19.95. To buy the video, or for more information on Donna Richardson and her life’s work, please visit:
*If you’d like to preview the video – go to this Dropbox link: