From the Office of the Executive Secretary: Dr. James Woodson officially announced the birth of the Global United Fellowship. During the last week in August, by invitation only, pastors from around the nations flew into Nassau and joined Bishop Ellis for a time of prayer, discussion and deliberation that resulted in the formation of this new fellowship.
Woodson states, “My attraction to this fellowship was due to the call of Bishop Neil C. Ellis whose anointing is sanctioned by God and his exemplary character is without question. In addition, I was drawn by the fellowship’s mission of unity in spirit, unity in prayer and unity in word.”
Over the past few weeks, Global United Fellowship has grown to more than 80 local and international churches and fellowships. And on last week, Bishop Ellis was unanimously elected as the Presiding Bishop Designate by its members.
With the rapid growth taking place, Bishop Ellis stated, “I want to make it unequivocally clear that Global United Fellowship is not another denomination. Our intent is to be inclusive and not divisive. G.U.F. is an international, interdenominational body of spiritual leaders, fellowships and congregations united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational change as well as expand the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world.”
Global United Fellowship’s five-fold mission is to:
· Unite
· Equip
· Enhance and strengthen marriages (especially marriages among clergy)
· Resurrect the dying discipline of prayer
· Build genuine fellowship in the Body of Christ across all denominations
A Service of Episcopal Institution and Inauguration will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, in the Grand Ball Room at The Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island with Archbishop J. Delano Ellis as Chief Celebrant. Con-Celebrants are Archbishop Alfred Owens and Presiding Bishop Kenneth Ulmer.
“Bishop Neil C. Ellis has not come to this place in a vacuum but after many years of faithful service, study and prayerful contemplation. He has called together a group of pastors to form yet another fellowship. The question arises, ‘Why, another fellowship? Why another movement? Why another organization?’ I’ve learned that God, throughout the history of man, always starts afresh with a tender heart and brighter understanding of his ways and wonders. The Church of Jesus Christ has evolved many times since its founder declared that he would ‘build his church’. The very word build suggests a continuum of structures and each new action adds another layer, floor and brick to the great ‘kingdom building’. And so, Bishop Ellis and the G.U.F. come from several Communions in Christ to form a latter day fellowship that resembles the ancient church but takes on its proper modernity. Until the whole world is reached and the Savior returns – there is always room for one more thought and one more move of God.” – Bishop J. Delano Ellis, Metropolitan, The Joint College of Bishops
Woodson, the Executive Secretary of G.U.F. stated, “The launch event is shaping up to be a major installation service that will attract more than 200 delegates from at least five different countries including: South Africa, Europe and Canada.”
Bishop Walter Thomas, renowned teacher, preacher and Bible scholar said regarding his friend, “Bishop Neil C. Ellis is a leader well respected in the international community. It will be a tremendous blessing to the Body of Christ as he takes leadership of G.U.F. and guides them into Kingdom responsibility.”
Notable pastors from around the country are speaking out and endorsing Global United Fellowship.
“Global United Fellowship is an end time manifestation of new wine in new wine skins. Bishop Neil Ellis brings a fresh anointing of creative leadership and spirit-filled discipleship development for such a time as this.” -Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Presiding Bishop of Macedonia International Bible Fellowship
After serving four years as 3rd Presiding Bishop and seven years as the 2nd Presiding Bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International, Bishop Neil C. Ellis stated in his letter of resignation addressed to the International Presiding Bishop, “What an awesome journey and marvelous experience all of this has been. After much prayer and reflection, I officially tendered my resignation as the 2nd Presiding Bishop in The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International on August 19, 2013. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and for the support you have given to and confidence you (FGBCFI) have placed in me over the years.”
Ellis also stated, “After more than 30 years in ministry and serving in the pastorate for 26 years, I have made many observations about the Body of Christ. Some of these observations have helped in bringing focused attention to what I regard to be the driving force behind the work that has been assigned to our hands through the Global United Fellowship.”