With over a decade of experience in the entertainment industry, Vaughn Alvarez, has proven he is worthy of the Huffington Postnaming him a “Top 25 African American PR Millennials to Watch.”. A well-respected and highly sought-after publicist, Alvarez’s client roster includes a variety of mainstream and faith-based talent and projects. As CEO of the CR8 Agency, Alvarez’s is a trendsetting industry trailblazer that just getting warmed up!
Written, curated, and conceived by global media and communications strategist Gwendolyn Quinn, who partnered with Antonice Jackson, President of the National Black Public Relations Society’s Washington, D.C., Chapter (BPRS-DC) and founder and principal of Audacious Publicity and Management Group. Quinn and Jackson selected public relations professionals from a wide range of industries including corporate, government, health care, non-profit, entertainment and lifestyle, sports, fashion, beauty, faith-based, and special events. The selections were based on the following criteria: top leader in his or her company or profession, influential in their industry and making positive contributions, forward thinkers, inspiring role models and mentors, and active in their communities and beyond.
Check out Vaughn Alvarez’s Feature