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A Special Message From Alexis Spight to Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas

alexis-with-gabbyAfter and during the airing of Season 5 of BET’s Sunday Best, My Twitter and Facebook went crrrraaaazy!!! My personal Facebook account maxed out to five thousand “friends”a couple weeks after my audition was aired. My Twitter account progressed by the hundreds each show, and my fan page of initially one hundred or so “likes” now screams NINETY THREE plus THOUSAND followers! … Humbled to say the least.

I know it’s simply the favor of God. Furthermore, with this following came loadssss of messages in my inbox and direct messages. Many of them congratulatory remarks… Others prayers… Some criticisms…

But outweighing all of those were young ladies like me, with questions, yearning for answers. I must admit, I got a little overwhelmed when truckloads of messages from young ladies between the ages of thirteen and nineteen all over the country, and in the UK, came to me with question on serious issues they were dealing with like bullying, peer pressure, sex, and self esteem (just to name a few).

It humbled me to know that they trusted and must have had a certain trust level with me to share things so personal… especially considering that I was somebody around the same age as them! Frustration set in when I realized I could not reach all of them individually because there were far to many… So I did what I normally do when I have ideas in buisness that I am passionate about; I went to my uncle, my manager Greg “Uncle G” Lyons and sought advice on how to be a source for young ladies everywhere dealing with these issues. With the help of Uncle G, and God’s creativity, I’ve taken things beyond the mic and have created an online forum where girls EVERYWHERE to tune in every Monday, for a “real” conversation with me, on “real” issues; allowing me to provide them with Godly “real” advice! I am adopting a nation of girls as my sister! Blood related through the blood of Jesus Christ! Registrants for my foundation, formally known as “God Sisters” are absolutely FREE at I’m so excited!!!

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Finishing my last year as a teenager, im quite socially engaged (Laughs). I tuned in to this years olympics and was amazed by a young lady with tremendous talent: Gabby Douglas. Never did I image meeting some of the people in the gospel industry of which Ive been privileged to meet, so meeting people in the urban community is even more surreal. I had the privilege of meeting Olympian, Gold medalist Gabby Douglas this year, at a 2013 All-Star weekend event where I was privileged to minister in Houston TX.

I was so humbled! Mainly because of what she represents; she is an example to young women everywhere that the sky is the limit for what God can do when you follow your dreams. Thank you Gabby for your influence on Me and “God Sisters”. Recently the “Best Manager Ever” (Uncle G) put an amazing tour together with myself and a few amazing artist, that is soon to sweep the country! I am so excited!!! This way, I can physically minister, and engage my new sisters everywhere around the globe! God will truly grant you the desires of your heart if you love & obey him! To God be the glory!!! #GoJesus.


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Courtesy of Greg “Uncle G” Lyons



  1. Dean

    April 17, 2013 at 11:26 AM

    Praise God; two positive young ladies.

  2. Loretta

    April 17, 2013 at 8:50 PM

    Awesome..Go girl..great things ahead. Stay focus and keep God First.

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