
World Video Premiere: A Family Man (The Family Version)’ Animated Music Video

Join the many worldwide that are being entertained and inspired with the exploits and challenges of an animated family man in ‘A Family Man (The Family Version)’ Animated Music Video from award-winning producer-songwriter, Derrick ‘Doc’ Pearson.

A Family Man (The Family Version) animated music video, is an animated humorous family-friendly account of a man’s family life intended to encourage men to endure the challenges of being a family man. Watch as the animated family man faces life’s challenges from his wife, children, home, and job while avoiding outside temptations. Watch as he attends to various duties, responsibilities, and request of his time and effort from his family. Seeking strength from his faith in God, he endures and remains a true family man.

View now on Vevo, YouTube, Music Choice, and everywhere inspiring videos are available


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