Recently, News Desk received an email from someone that sent an email to Download A Prayer from for 99 cents. As some of you may know, This is Bishop Eddie Long’s Church website. At first I said to myself, are you serious? Come to find out, on the home page of the website there is a ad that said “New Birth PRAYER CALLS – 6:30AM Prayer Recordings MP3 Downloads”
Now when I clicked on the link and was directed to a shopping cart and seen that these Prayer Recordings were actually being SOLD for 99cents each. It made me Think “OK, Now Ministries are charging for Recorded Prayers? What’s Next for the Church?”.
There is so much more I could say personally about this topic. But We want to hear from you!
So uGospel Viewers, Do you Think that Prayer should be something someone should have to pay for even if it’s a Recording?

December 29, 2011 at 12:23 PM
Im sure everyone can find reason to justify anything now a days. Where is the conviction? Personally I wouldnt feel right charging for a prayer that cost me nothing. And its not even geared to your situation, just the same for everyone? I dont get it, or agree. But, hey its your 99cents……
December 29, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Makes no sense.. Too many fake Christians out here as it is.. Not only did he turn those lil boys out, now he charging for Prayer.
Yes, I know where he’s headed on Judgement Day.
December 29, 2011 at 12:26 PM
i say prayer is one of the things that should never have a price tag on it. besides once we start agreeing to pay for prayer next thing they’ll be asking for compensation when the prayer is answered. so sad and such a shame
December 29, 2011 at 12:41 PM
While I totally am opposed to paying for prayer, I would assume that their logic is that we pay everyone else to do stuff for us, why not bring another stream of income into the church by charging for something that people don’t like to do or don’t feel they know how to do. If people are crazy enough to pay for the service, the church is smart enough to reap the benefits. Obviously it works because the option is still available on the site. This is a service that is being marketed to the churchgoer, rather those that are in right relationship with God. What will they think of next . . . charging for communion?
December 29, 2011 at 12:51 PM
December 29, 2011 at 12:54 PM
While I totally am opposed to paying for prayer, I assume that their logic is that we pay everyone else to do stuff for us that we could do ourselves, why shouldn’t they bring another stream of income into the church for something that people don’t like to do or feel they don’t do well. I guess they also see it no different than buying a tape from a church service they attended or missed. If people are crazy enough to pay for the service, the church is smart enough to reap the benefits. Obviously, it works because it is still on the site. This is a service that is marketed to the churchgoer rather than those that are in right relationship with God. What will they think of next . . . charging for communion?
December 29, 2011 at 12:55 PM
I don’t feel that there should be a charge for prayer. I take a major issue with his audacity – charging the same .99 cent fee that record labels charge for songs, in which case the artist, the musicians, the studio, the producers, the promoters, the advertisers… all must be paid. He’s talking into a computer mic from his bedroom. REALLY?!
December 29, 2011 at 1:05 PM
I can see charging for things that cost money like a bible, but how can you charge for a prayer when you didn’t pay to make it. To these people paying for prayers, learn to pray for yourselves, paying defeats the purpose of Jesus dying.. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t that the whole reason for Jesus dying on the cross…so you could go to the Lord for yourself
Mar Fai
December 29, 2011 at 1:10 PM
My first thought and response when I first saw this question on Facebook was to be in total opposition of paying for the prayer recording. It would not be for me to do. However, what is the difference in someone paying for the download who has missed prayer or heard something significally applicable to their life and someone purchasing for a tape/CD/DVD of a church/prayer/prophetic service?
Servant Ken Davis
December 29, 2011 at 1:25 PM
I don’t agree with it, but I am not surprised. It is not much different then paying for gospel music or sermons. The message was given free from God, but people are willing to sell it to others for profit. Somewhere along the line being a pastor and getting a modest salary was not enough. Now everyone is tring to get rich by pimping the gift of God. God says let the wheat and shaft grow together and he will separate.
December 30, 2011 at 12:01 PM
Ken, it is much different than paying for gospel music. There are recording costs, musicians costs, production costs, manufacturing costs, etc. As it relates to gospel music, it’s about recouping costs.
Pastor James
December 29, 2011 at 1:29 PM
Years ago, Harrison House Publishing Company sold books called “Prayers That Avail Much. They are still popular books. Many of us have those books in our library. Nobody said anything when they came out and we bought them and prayed them. Why now? Is it because it’s Bishop Eddie Long and we want to continue to crucifying him? We have too much time on our hand. Let’s be about the Kingdom and the Kingdom only.
December 29, 2011 at 7:13 PM
Pastor James, you’ve got to be kidding me. The book, unlike Bishop Long’s prayers are scripturally based. While you’re not being charged for a generic prayer like Long is doing, you’re being taught, through the scripture, to pray your situation. For example, the prayer “Deliverance From Satan and His Demonic Forces” provides 27 scriptural references for this type of prayer. The basic difference is that Long is charging for what he was supposedly commissioned to do for free. Did Jesus charge for prayer or healing? No, but witches and suethsayers did.
Rev. Dr. Hugh Anderson, II
December 30, 2011 at 11:22 AM
Brother James, the people crucifying him (Eddie Long)?… I think he crucified himself when he committed SIN. This only adds to the humiliation of the church…charging for prayer? The amount is of no avail. The fact is that someone is charging for prayer. What’s next?…An enrollment fee for becoming a member?
dee ann
December 29, 2011 at 1:32 PM
MP3 Downloads is the KEY… and it is the portion that is not being mentioned as it is being announced; and my apologies to those that are releasing the information 100… Our Brother Long, has so much against him, at this time, that the public is being used to continue to find fault. No, prayer should have no fee; however it is no different than many of the television/radio/public prayers; at the end of the call you are requested to ‘sow a seed’… and usually more than $.99 [cents]… so why not utilize the free will JEHOVAH GOD endowed unot us… decide if we want to pay for the MP3 DOWNLOAD or DROP TO OUR OWN KNEES… while in the mode of prayer we can request that our Heavenly Father release unto us the scripture/WORD needed so as to pray for our Brother Bishop Eddie Long, those under his care… AND OURSELVES; for we all fall short…
Many Blessings!!!
December 29, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Why do we always look for someone else to pray for us anyway? We should get in the Word, see what God has promised and learn how to pray for self.
December 29, 2011 at 1:47 PM
I think it really is sad, that we have gotten to the point of charging for prayer. However, I am not surprised. I recently went to the Steve Harvey website, and he is charging for his daily inspirational messages. I guess everybody is trying to find a way to make some extra cash. Something should be for free in my opinion.
December 29, 2011 at 2:01 PM
Read the word for yourself, and you will know the truth. They are prostituting the word of God and using anything connected with God for a profit. BEWARE!
Hebrew 4:16 (NIV) Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
*No preachers,priests, or money*
December 29, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Amen Barbara!
December 30, 2011 at 12:13 PM
Laverne Smith
December 29, 2011 at 4:30 PM
Luke 19:46 Here we see how these so called people of God used the house of God for everything except what it was meant to be used for and Jesus didn’t like it and even though this is prayer it is still wrong as it was then in no way is there to be a charhe for talking to God , this is putting your trust in man and not God the vail was rent (torn) we don’t need man to help us reach God in this manner the Lords only requiament is a contrite and broken spirit when you come to Him you only have to be sincere, have faith, and trust Him the all seeing all knowing God, how can you develope a true relationship with Him when you are allowing someone elses words (prayer) they don’t know your heart only God does.
December 29, 2011 at 7:53 PM
Sounds a lot like the “den of theives” Jesus overthrew in Matt 21:12-13 for changing money & selling doves. I don’t want a recorded prayer. If I am seeking prayer I will do it for myself AND ask my pastor & the elders of the church to pray with me on my situation. Prayer for sell is just so impersonal.
December 30, 2011 at 8:02 AM
Now it is real interesting how media even so called “Christian” media can get half or in this case not even 1/3rd of a story correct. If you would actually look into this situation even more you would see that yes does New Birth charge for a MP3 of a prayer. But the MP3 is actually a download of a free morning phone call that is done at 6:30 am each morning Monday – Friday. You can either dial in or tune in on your computer for FREE!!! What this MP3 download is a recording of the prayer call. To me it is the equivalent of how churches charge for a CD or DVD of a sermon of the message their Pastor taught on that morning.
It amazes me how we as Christians want to jump on a hyped up situation because of someone who has become a controversal in the past couple of years. I thought we were supposed to be people who seek out the truth rather than just accepting what was put in front of us?
We are so quick to pay Amazon or Apple or what ever other music service .99 cent or more for music that most of the time does not edify or empower us in any way but the moment someone says something about paying for something that does and it is connected to the church we want to come up with “Jesus paid it all!” Come on son!! Really? Same folks who have a problem with this are probably the same folks who have issues with tithing. If you dont want to pay the 99 cent thats fine. Wake up at 6:30 and either call to listen in for free or go to the website and listen for free. Your choice. But dont try to destroy something when you obviously do not know the whole story.
dee ann
December 30, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Damon and others:
Bless you for being led by The Spirit of The True and Living God! I replied yesterday with the exact concise thought –
Oh my, when we get before the Bema Seat! Media is another means of control and we should always check the source before passing judgment.
God is exposing all of us at this time – we must BEWARE –
Many Blessings!!!
December 30, 2011 at 12:12 PM
Why are u shocked people forget that church is a business. If you want them to pray for you its going to cost! it the same as when they ask you for a Luv offering after u gave ur tides & offering. where else can u just show up and sit for 2-3 hours under AC/Heat listen to music, get word for your life & u might get a meal for free with out paying a dime. When u go to a concert they want there money up front whether u like it or not. Let us not forget that you can pray for yourself & it will get through to god just the same…..
December 30, 2011 at 12:15 PM
Thank you Damon!
June 11, 2012 at 2:31 AM
They will not post your prayer unless you pay. $8 is the least amount you can pay. PAYING TO POST A PRAYER, Come on, Jesus never asked for anything to pray for people. I feel like it is taking advantage of people that are already hurting.
And I don’t think the Lord is pleased with it.
August 19, 2012 at 1:37 PM
I understand what everyone is saying,but what about the people who don’t know the word of God just yet, and come to a website hoping to get someone to pray for them, they’re homeless,no money, no food on their table, no understanding that the Lord is there for them,and see they have to pay for prayer, dont you think that would make them think that unless you pay or have money period,.that’s the only way they will have a relationship of any kind with God? You can lose alot of souls that way.
January 14, 2013 at 7:56 AM
As one who is on the Free prayer call every morning…so much of what has been posted is untrue…again, get the facts. The recording is.99 for MP 3 download, morning prayer call is free and there is no $8 fee for a prayer request.
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Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!
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