Kirk Franklin, one of the most successful and influential artists in the Gospel Music Industry, recently penned a blog, which raised a good point. According to Kirk, Gospel Music doesn’t affect people the way it used to. In a time of technology, where many are focused on popularity and monetary earnings, you have to wonder, is Kirk right?
The idea of Gospel Music lowering its standard was conceived by Kirk reflecting on the work of Legendary Gospel Pioneer Andrae Crouch and its affect; creating movements. After recalling Crouch’s home going service and unparalleled legacy, Kirk admits to feeling like the standard of Gospel Music isn’t up to par, as it was in Crouch’s day.
Check out an excerpt from Kirk’s blog below, and let us know if you agree or disagree with the Award-winning Musician:
My son and I were shooting some hoops over my inlaws house once and I was impressing him with how well I could play basketball. Or how well he thought I could play. You see on this beautiful sunny evening outside with my son, I was slam dunking, making buckets, and flying through the air like I was “Kirk Jordan.” I’ll tell you why.
That day I’d impressed my son with my basketball skills because I’d lowered the goal.
I’m five foot four. In a real game, I’d have struggled immensely with acrobatic athletic exuberance because I can’t play basketball and am too short to dunk. Lowering the goal allowed me to succeed, but not at the appropriate level.
Our music doesn’t affect people the way it used to. It doesn’t create movements like it did during Andrae’s time. Is it because today’s worship leader is too busy trying to get the record deal, the applause, a higher church salary, and that crossover song? [The guilt is all over my hands, people!]
Every step we take away from the cross — and the cross alone – every time we focus on sales over souls… the goal gets lower and lower.
Kirk Franklin and Donald Lawrence Speak at Pastor Andrae Crouch’s Home Going Service:
Click here to read the Kirk’s entire blog entry.