In the world of radio, Tamela Mann returns to #1 with her smash hit single Take Me To The King. James Fortune and FIYA makes a small jump to #2 with Hold On, followed by last week’s #1 song It’s Not Over by Israel and New Breed at #3.
John P. Kee’s Life and Favor remains at #4 followed by Chares Jenkins’ Awesome also remaining in the same position as last week, #5.Your Best Days Yet by Bishop Paul Morton makes a small jump to #6, followed by VaShawn Mitchell who also makes a small jump with Turning Around For Me at #7.
Testimony by Anthony Brown & Group Therapy drops to #8 while Kurt Carr’s I’ve Seen Him Do It jumps to #9. Finally, concluding the top 10 this week is Hart Ramsey with God’s Up To Something Good at #10.

Elvin Laprarie
March 5, 2013 at 6:03 AM
Thanks a bunch for posting!